Denise Holt: Premier Educator in Active Inference AI and Spatial Web Technologies

Denise Holt is widely recognized as the leading authority on Active Inference AI and Spatial Web Technologies, owing to her gift for taking complex ideas and making them understandable, 

With a career spanning three decades, Denise’s unique blend of business acumen and deep technological insight has positioned her as a trusted educator, keynote speaker, and thought leader in the industry.

As the host of the Spatial Web AI podcast and founder of AIX Global Media and E-mmersion Publishing, Denise educates and influences a global audience, making complex technological advancements understandable, accessible and actionable.

Today, she stands as the number one voice in these fields, empowering others to navigate and thrive in the next era of intelligent autonomous systems and spatial computing.

“Active Inference AI, with its distributed intelligence, is a transformative force. Business leaders and technologists who remain unaware of decentralized AI and the convergence of emerging tech in this next era of computing, risk falling behind. The sooner you grasp the impact these technologies will have on your industry, the better positioned you’ll be to lead and stay ahead.”Denise Holt

Leading the Way in AI: How Denise Holt Became the Foremost Voice in Active Inference AI and Spatial Computing

From her early work as a self-taught technologist and entrepreneur to her pioneering role in educating about the next era of spatial computing and AI technologies, Denise has continuously pushed the boundaries of digital innovation.

Denise Holt’s career is a story of a determined and insightful mind navigating the intersections of business and technology, always with an eye toward what’s next. From a Mensa-qualifying IQ at the age of 11, to becoming a recognized leader in Active Inference AI and the Spatial Web, Denise’s journey is defined by a lifelong passion for technological innovation and an extraordinary talent for blending it with business strategy.

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  • 2021-2022: Created a historical Bitcoin art collection of NFTs and founded the Historical DAO, incorporating AI technology into art.
  • 2022: Partnered as Chief Strategy Officer for School Coin, a Web3 platform for education incorporating AR, VR, Metaverse, NFT token reward systems, and AI.
  • June 2022: Reconnected with VERSES Technologies, focusing on the potential of their Spatial Web technology and Active Inference AI.
  • 2022: Joined IEEE working group P2874, The Spatial Web Protocol, Architecture, and Governance, developing the global public standards HSTP & HSML for the expansion of the global internet.
  • August 2022: Began writing about the convergence of all emerging tech through this new technology, and the emergence of an entirely new kind of AI – Active Inference.
  • March 2023: Launched the Spatial Web AI podcast and started educating on emerging tech like Active Inference AI and Spatial Web technologies.
  • June 2023: Active Inference Institute – presented on Active Inference AI and the Spatial Web. Recognized as the only voice of education presenting on the synthesis of Active Inference AI, spatial computing, and Web3.
  • September 2023: Attended the International Workshop for Active Inference in Ghent, Belgium, gaining deeper insights into the challenges and progress of Active Inference research.
  • 2023-2024: Founded AIX Global Media and E-mmersion Publishing – a next-gen tech accelerator and e-learning platform.
  • 2022-2024: Acknowledged as the leading authority in writing, speaking and education on Active Inference AI and Spatial Web technologies.
  • 2022-2024: Keynote speaker at various AI and Web3 conferences globally.
  • 2024: Hosted monthly Learning Lab LIVE classes, beginning to structure more formal educational materials about Active Inference AI and Spatial Web technologies.
  • 2024: Preparing to launch E-Learning courses and an executive program in Active Inference AI and Spatial Computing, partnering with universities and enterprise organizations.


Leading in Emerging Technologies and AI (2022-Present)

Denise’s passion for technology continued in 2022, this time with a focus on Web3 technologies and AI. Her creation of AI-incorporated NFT art pieces beautifully merged her roots in digital artistry with cutting edge technology. Through creating her historical bitcoin NFT art collection and founding the Historical DAO, Denise blended her artistic background with the technical complexity of blockchain and AI.

The same year, Denise became Chief Strategy Officer for School Coin, a Web3 education platform. This role allowed her to apply her knowledge of AR, VR, metaverse technologies, NFTs, and AI to the field of education.

However, it was her reconnection with VERSES Technologies in the early summer of 2022 that set the stage for her most impactful role yet. Recognizing the transformative potential of the emergence of their technology, Denise began writing and speaking extensively about the convergence of emerging tech through Spatial Web technology and the rise of Active Inference AI.

Her work led to her inclusion in the IEEE working group developing the global public standards for the Spatial Web Protocol, Architecture, and Governance.

This marked the beginning of her role as an educator and thought leader in these cutting-edge fields.

Becoming the Leading Voice in Active Inference AI and Spatial Web Technologies

In 2023, Denise launched the Spatial Web AI podcast, where she began educating a global audience on the convergence of technologies like Active Inference AI and spatial computing. Her insights were recognized as pioneering, particularly her ability to synthesize complex ideas into accessible knowledge. Her presentations on these subjects were not just well-received; they were considered groundbreaking, earning her invitations as a keynote speaker for international conferences, while contributing to the rapid growth of her podcast and media channels.

Her expertise was affirmed in June 2023 when the Active Inference Institute invited her to give a presentation on Active Inference AI and the Spatial Web. Her presentation was hailed as a “masterclass,” with the transcript made available as a citable preprint. “In this presentation, you tread where 95% of PhD researchers don’t dare to tread, so in that respect, this was a masterclass.” – Daniel Friedman, Founder of Active Inference Institute 

September 2023 saw Denise attending the International Workshop for Active Inference in Ghent, Belgium, deepening her understanding of the challenges and progress in Active Inference research.

Throughout 2022-2024, Denise solidified her position as the leading authority in writing, speaking, and education on Active Inference AI and Spatial Web technologies. She became a sought-after keynote speaker at AI and Web3 conferences globally.

By 2024, Denise had founded AIX Global Media and E-mmersion Publishing, solidifying her position as the leading authority in writing, speaking, and education on Active Inference AI and Spatial Web technologies. She began hosting monthly Learning Lab LIVE classes, structuring more formal educational materials that dive deeper into these topics.

This education initiative is set to culminate in the fall of 2024 with the launch of E-Learning courses and an executive program in Active Inference AI and Spatial Computing, partnering with universities and enterprise organizations around the world.

  • Late 2017/Early 2018: Became aware of a new startup called, VERSES Technologies which aimed to expand the internet to include spatial domains for the AI powered convergence of all emerging tech across the network.
  • 2018: Co-founded Global Village Solutions, importing solar technologies and more, while aiming to use spatial technologies like AR, VR, and AI for localized infrastructure solutions and real-time assisted learning programs.
  • 2018-2019: Simultaneously involved in the blockchain and crypto sphere, hosting social events across Los Angeles for women in blockchain and mentoring aspiring teenage entrepreneurs at Santa Monica High School.
  • 2019: Founded Beauty Pulse CBDA Skin Care, a luxury skincare brand, which involved deep technical knowledge in product development and regulation.


Blockchain, AI, and Spatial Computing (2018-2019)

In late 2017/early 2018, Denise became aware of VERSES Technologies, a startup aiming to expand the internet to include spatial domains for AI-powered convergence of emerging technologies. This encounter would prove pivotal in shaping her future focus.

By 2018, Denise was ready to push the boundaries of her career even further. She co-founded Global Village Solutions, drawing on her import experience with products like solar technologies, and a platform aimed at using spatial technologies like AR, VR, and AI to create sustainable, localized infrastructure and real-time educational job training solutions. This project was a bold attempt to combine her business experience with her growing interest in how technology could address real-world problems. Although the project was eventually shelved due to regulatory challenges, it represented a significant evolution in Denise’s thinking about the potential of technology for social good.

Between 2017 and 2019, as the tech world buzzed with talk of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Denise was already there, hosting social events across Los Angeles for women in blockchain and mentoring the next generation of teenage tech entrepreneurs at Santa Monica High School, sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for emerging technologies.

Even a foray into the health and wellness industry by founding a company called, Beauty Pulse CBDA Skin Care, was infused with her tech-forward approach, navigating complex regulations and leveraging scientific research.

  • 2015: Co-founded Evolution Sales and Distribution, importer – consumer electronics, including drones, VR goggles, 3D video cameras, eBikes, and more under the brand Existence Technology.
  • 2016/2017: Formed a strategic partnership with Keyshare China to distribute drones/UAVs in the USA and worked on advanced technologies like 3D space modeling, 3D facial recognition, computer vision, and broadband mesh network communications.


Expanding Horizons: Consumer Electronics and Emerging Tech (2015-2017)

Building on her successes, Denise expanded her focus to the consumer electronics market. In 2015, she co-founded Evolution Sales and Distribution, a company that imported and distributed computer and mobile phone parts for Hewlett Packard’s largest computer refurbishment manufacturer in Mexico, as well as importing a range of cutting-edge consumer electronics under the brand, Existence Technology, including drones, VR goggles, and 3D video cameras, eBikes, and more. This venture reconnected her with her earlier experience importing products from China, a skill she had developed in her luxury goods businesses.

Her role in Evolution Sales and Distribution was not just about importing products; it was about understanding the broader implications of these technologies and how they fit into the emerging digital landscape, as well as re-branding products for western markets.

Forming a strategic partnership with Keyshare China in 2016/2017 took this further, involving her in projects and technologies in 3D spatial modeling, 3D facial recognition, broadband mesh network communications and computer vision. This period marked a significant expansion of her technological expertise and deepened her understanding of how these emerging technologies could converge, foreshadowing her later work around the Spatial Web, and her ability to recognize emerging trends in these new technologies.

  • 2014: Named as one of the top 30 VIP Futurists by IBM for leadership in the future of technology for businesses, and hand-selected to participated in an exclusive think tank in New York City with the IBM Watson team.
  • 2011-2015: Keynote speaker on the topic of digital transformation at various digital marketing and advertising conferences and events.

Pivot to Digital Marketing and Video Game Industry (2008-2014)

The 2007/2008 financial crisis and housing market crash served as a catalyst for change in Denise’s career. Adapting to the new economic landscape, she transitioned into the digital marketing and gaming industries.

Her role at WGT Media, a mixed reality video game startup in San Francisco, from 2008 to 2014, immersed her in the world of fast-paced digital innovation and deployment, user engagement and emerging gaming technologies.

This experience led her to launch her own digital marketing consulting agency, Collaborative IQ, where she advised businesses on navigating the digital transformation landscape.

During this time, Denise also explored the new world of podcasting with “Collaborative IQ,” where she discussed the impact of digital transformation on businesses. Her growing expertise in digital marketing led to invitations to speak at various conferences, where she addressed the challenge of staying relevant in a rapidly advancing technological landscape.

Denise’s ability to stay ahead of digital trends was further recognized when she co-founded Gratzeez, a fintech startup that developed a mobile app for touchless tipping using wearable Bluetooth technology. Here, Denise’s role went beyond business strategy; she was deeply involved in the product’s development, working closely with the team in the design and development of the app and user interface. Her hands-on approach led to a significant achievement—recognition as an inventor on two patents for the app’s touchless payment system.

This milestone was a clear indicator of her ability to blend technological insight with practical business solutions.

Her growing reputation in the tech world was cemented in 2014 when IBM named her one of the top 30 VIP Futurists, inviting her to participate in an elite think tank with the IBM Watson team.  Denise helped explore and shape ideas about the future of work and technology—a significant acknowledgment of her forward-thinking approach. This recognition marked a pivotal moment in her career, positioning her as a key figure in the intersection of business and emerging technology

  • 1995: Began using Adobe Photoshop and 3D modeling software like Ray Dream Studio, Bryce 3D, and Poser (1997).
  • Late 1990s – Mid 2000s: Started building custom computers to handle the intensive graphics and processing requirements of 3D software. Self-taught through online tutorials.
  • 2002: Won a Guru Award by the National Association of Photoshop Professionals in the category of Photo Retouching.
  • 1994-2008: Founded three separate businesses in luxury home services and goods: Miracle Marble – a stone restoration company, Dreamstone Gallery – importer of custom designed, hand-carved architectural stone, and Dreamscape Artistry – an interior decorative art business.


Early Foundations: Technology and Entrepreneurship (1994-2008)

Denise Holt’s journey through the world of technology didn’t start in a Silicon Valley garage or an Ivy League computer lab. It began in her own kitchen, where the countertop served as her workbench, and paper plates became impromptu organizers for an array of screws and computer parts, as she meticulously assembled each unit. In an era before YouTube tutorials and easily accessible online forums, Denise approached the task of building computers with the methodical mindset of someone assembling a particularly complex Lego set. This early self-taught expertise, set the foundation for her future endeavors in technology.

It was the San Francisco Bay, mid-1990s when she started exploring digital art through Adobe Photoshop and 3D modeling software like Ray Dream Studio, Bryce 3D, and Poser. Her passion for visual arts quickly merged with technology as the intensive processing needs of these creative tools surpassed that of off-the-shelf computers, so Denise decided to build her own.

“People often made building computers sound like rocket science,” Denise recalls with a smile, but to her, it wasn’t rocket science— it was a puzzle waiting to be solved.

“I was paranoid about static electricity,” she explains with a laugh. “I had read all of these warnings online, and I was so afraid of frying my motherboard.”

Her husband would often come home to find her standing in the kitchen in minimal clothing, hair tied back, rubbing her hands on dryer sheets amidst a sea of computer components, paper plates holding tiny screws.

“It was all part of my elaborate anti-static ritual. My husband would laugh at me, but I never lost a motherboard. It worked!”

This blend of methodical approach and unconventional problem-solving would come to define Denise’s career, setting her on a path through the ever-evolving landscape of technology. These early experiences weren’t just about building computers; they were about fostering a mindset of curiosity, resourcefulness, and confidence—qualities that would define her career as she moved forward.

This period also marked Denise’s entry into entrepreneurship. Between 1994 and 2008, she founded three businesses in the luxury home services and goods sector. These businesses may have been rooted in traditional industries, but the skills she developed—strategic planning, branding, and business development—laid the groundwork for her later ventures in tech..

Today, Denise Holt stands as a bridge between the past and future of technology. Her journey from self-taught PC builder and 3D modeling of the 1990s, to first principles AI and spatial computing chief educator, mirrors the evolution of the digital age itself.

Denise’s eyes light up when she talks about the future of technology. “We’re on the cusp of another revolution – a technological awakening,” she says, her enthusiasm palpable. “We are entering an entirely new era of AI and emerging technology. Everything we know about computing is about to change.”

From building computers in her kitchen in the late 90’s, to decades of entrepreneurship in emerging technologies, and becoming a herald for the future of AI; the distributed intelligence of Active Inference Agents, and the decentralized AI-powered spatial computing of tomorrow, Denise Holt’s career journey is a testament to the impact of continuous learning through curiosity and adaptation, and a willingness to dive into the unknown.

Her unique ability to blend business insights with deep technological understanding has positioned her as a visionary in the field, ready to share her knowledge and help shape the future of autonomous systems and spatial computing.

… In a world where technology evolves at breakneck speed, Denise’s story reminds us that the most valuable skill might just be the willingness to never stop learning.

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